Watch a complimentary family friendly movie in our outdoor theater. Popcorn and drinks are available at Mingo’s Cafe or enjoy a delicious pizza to go from Whitewater 360. Seating is provided or you can bring your own lawn chairs to sit back and enjoy the show with your friends. Children under age 12 must be accompanied by an adult. In case of inclement weather, the movie will move indoors. Complimentary
1 | BFG Big Friendly Giant
8 | Jungle Cruise
15 | Cruella
22 | Sky Runners
29 | The Sound Of Music
5 | Saving Bikini Bottom
12 | Migration
19 | Kung Fu Panda 4
26 | Spellbound
3 | Harold + The Purple Crayon
10 | Barbie
17 | Godzilla + Kong The New Empire
24 | Leo
31 | Mr. Peabody + Sherman